A free, online
famous poetry resource providing the famous poems by the World's most popular Poets. Whether your search is for Classic or Modern poetry you will find the
famous poems of your choice on the Famous Poetry Online web site.
Whether your search is for Famous Love Poems or other famous
types of poetry you will find all of the famous verses of your
choice on this Online Poetry Website. Famous Love Poetry is the
most popular type of verse and suitable for all romantics!
Famous Poetry
Famous Poets & Poetry
We have featured below the most famous
Poetry and celebrated Poets covering both famous Classic and
famous Modern poems ensuring that your search for the online poetry of your choice will be successful.
Click any link to go to the section dedicated to the poet and access to their most famous, and
even lesser known, poems online.
Arnold Matthew -
Famous Poetry and Verse by Matthew Arnold ( 1822 - 1888 )
Barrett Browning Elizabeth -
Famous Love Poetry by Elizabeth Barrett Browning ( 1806 - 1861 )
Blake William -
Famous Poetry by William Blake ( 1757 - 1827 )
Bridges Robert Seymour - Poetry
and Verse by Robert Seymour Bridges ( 1844 - 1930 )
Brooke Rupert -
War Poetry and verse by Rupert Brooke ( 1887 - 1915 )
Browning Robert -
Famous Love Poetry by Robert Browning ( 1812 - 1889 )
Bryant William Cullen - Poetry
and verse by William Cullen Bryant ( 1794 - 1878 )
Burns Robert -
Famous Scottish Poetry and Verse by Robert Burns ( 1759 - 1796 )
Butler Samuel -
Famous Poetry by Samuel Butler ( 1612 - 1680 )
Byron Lord George Gordon Noel -
Love Poetry by Lord George Gordon Noel Byron ( 1788 - 1824 )
Carroll Lewis - Funny Rhymes and Verse by Lewis Carroll ( 1832 - 1898 )
Chaucer Geoffrey -
Love Poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer ( 1340 - 1400 )
Chesterton Gilbert Keith - Poetry
and Rhymes by G. K. Chesterton ( 1874 - 1936 )
Coleridge Samuel Taylor - Poetry
and Verse by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772 - 1834 )
Cowper William - Poetry
and Verse by William Cowper ( 1731 - 1800 )
Dickenson Emily Elizabeth -
Famous Love Poetry by Emily Elizabeth Dickenson ( 1830 - 1886 )
Donne John -
Famous Poetry by John Donne ( 1572 - 1631 )
Dryden John - Poetry by John Dryden ( 1631 - 1700 )
Eliot Thomas Stearns (T S Eliot) -
Funny Poetry and Verse by T S Eliot ( 1888 - 1965 )
Emerson Ralph Waldo - Poetry
and Verse by Ralph Waldo Emerson ( 1803 - 1882 )
Finch Anne -
Love Poems by Anne Finch ( 1661 - 1720 )
Foster Stephen -
Lyrics and Rhymes by Stephen Foster ( 1826 - 1864 )
Frost Robert Lee - Poetry by Robert Lee Frost ( 1874 - 1963 )
Gray Thomas - Poetry
and Elegy by Thomas Gray ( 1716 - 1771 )
Holmes Oliver Wendell - Poems by ( 1809 - 1894 )
Hood Thomas - Poetry by Thomas Hood ( 1799 - 1845 )
Housman Alfred Edward -
Famous Poetry by Alfred Edward Housman ( 1859 - 1936 )
Howe Ward Julia -
Patriotic Poems by Julia Ward Howe ( 1819 - 1910 )
Joyce James -
Famous Irish Poetry by James Joyce ( 1882 - 1941 )
Hugo Victor - Poems by Victor Hugo ( 1802 - 1885)
Keats John -
Love Poetry by John Keats ( 1795 - 1821 )
Kilmer Alfred Joyce - Poetry by Alfred Joyce Kilmer ( 1886 - 1918 )
Lawrence David Herbert ( DH Lawrence) -
Famous Poetry by D.H.Lawrence ( 1883 - 1930 )
Lear Edward -
Limericks and Poems by Edward Lear ( 1812 - 1888 )
Longfellow Henry Wadsworth - Poetry by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ( 1807 - 1882 )
Lowell Amy -
Famous Love Poetry by Amy Lowell ( 1874 - 1925)
Marlowe Christopher - Poems
and Verse by Christopher Marlowe ( 1564 - 1593 )
Masefield John Edward - Poetry by John Edward Masefield ( 1878 - 1967 )
McCrae Dr
John - War Poetry by Dr John McCrae ( 1872 - 1918 )
Milton John -
Love Poetry by John Milton ( 1608 - 1674 )
Moore Thomas -
Famous Poems by Thomas Moore ( 1779 - 1852 )
Noyes Alfred -
Great Poetry by Alfred Noyes ( 1880 - 1958 )
O Neill Eugene -
Famous Poetry by Eugene O Neill ( 1888 - 1953 )
Poe Edgar Allan - Poetry by
the Poet and Author Edgar Allan Poe ( 1809 - 1849 )
Pope Alexander - Poetry by Alexander Pope ( 1688 - 1744 )
Raleigh Sir Walter -
Famous Poems and Verses by Sir Walter Raleigh ( 1552 - 1618 )
Rossetti Christina -
Love Poetry by Christina Rossetti ( 1830 - 1894 )
Sandburg Carl -
Great Poetry by Carl Sandburg ( 1878 - 1967 )
Scott Fitzgerald F. - Poetry
and Verse by F. Scott Fitzgerald ( 1896 - 1940 )
Shakespeare William -
Love Poems and Sonnets by William Shakespeare ( 1564 - 1616 )
Shelley Percy Bysshe -
Love Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley ( 1792 - 1822 )
Sydney Sir Philip -
Love Poems by Sir Philip Sydney ( 1554 - 1586 )
Tennyson Alfred Lord -
Famous Poetry and Verse by Alfred Lord Tennyson ( 1809 - 1892 )
Trench Herbert - Poems
and verse by Herbert Trench ( 1865-1923 )
Twain Mark -
Famous Poetry and Verse by Mark Twain ( 1819 -1910 )
Wheeler Ella Wilcox - Poetry by Ella Wilcox Wheeler ( 1850 -1919 )
Whitman Walt - Poetry by Walt Whitman ( 1819-1892 )
Wilde Oscar - Poetry by Oscar Wilde ( 1854 - 1900 )
Wordsworth William -
Famous Poetry by William Wordsworth ( 1770 - 1850 )
Wyatt Sir Thomas -
Love Poems by Sir Thomas Wyatt ( 1503-1542 )
William Butler- Poetry by William Butler Yeats ( 1865 - 1939 )

Famous Poetry
Famous Poetry Online web site contains a huge selection of
famous online poetry from the greatest and most celebrated
poets and authors. There are examples of each of
the different famous poetry verse forms including
verses, poems, limericks, rhymes, ballades, blank
verses, elegy, idylls, lays, lyrics, odes and sonnets! A
fully comprehensive site for famous online poetry. Many
different famous and popular poem categories have been
included to suit a variety of needs including love
poems, teen poems, children's poems, dark poems,
romantic poems, love poetry, funny poems, sad poems,
friendship poems and limericks! All the different types
of famous poems can be found on Poetry Online! All of
the most famous and great poets and love poems have
been featured including Shakespeare, Browning, Eliot,
Joyce, Tennyson and Butler. Information has been
provided covering famous poetry terms - info at your
fingertips with Famous Poetry online. Check out the
definitions of a Cinquain, Couplet, Epigram and Quatrain
- great for students of literature! There are even
explanations of the famous Japanese poem formats such
as Tanka, Terza rima, Senryu and Haiku! A fully
comprehensive educational online resource for students
of famous literature. Common mis-spellings
are peotry - poetrey - poety - poettry - fameous potry
and peotry.
Famous Recommended Poetry - Top 20 List!
There are so many wonderful poems to choose from it is
difficult to know where to make a start! We have
therefore devised a Top 20 List of our favourite famous
poems. It was an extremely difficult task and obviously
our choice, in the end, was based on personal
preferences! We hope that this selection will provide
our readers with as much pleasure that these famous
verses have given to us. A good knowledge of these
famous verses will provide all students with a good
grounding of the subject. Each poet has a different
style of writing making expert use of the English
language. We have been asked on many occasions which is
our favourite poem. Impossible! Writing styles, subject
matter and even childhood memories influence choices, so
we gave up and endeavoured to, at least, compile a list
of our top twenty famous and favourite poems! The first
famous line of the famous verse has been included to jog
the memory!
following famous poems by our favourite poets and
authors are highly recommended and make fascinating
reading and are listed in no particular order:
from the Portuguese - 14 by the English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Tiger
poem by William Blake ( Tiger Tiger burning bright in
the forests of the night )
Nightingales a
famous poem by Robert
Bridges ( Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come )
Red Red Rose a famous poem by Robert Burns ( O my Luve's like a
red, red rose )
She Walks In Beauty a
famous poem
by Lord Byron ( She walks in beauty, like the night )
Rime of the
Ancient Mariner a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( It is an
ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth one of three )
Heart, we will
forget him a famous love poem by Emily Dickinson (Heart, we will
forget him, You and I, tonight! )
Macavity - The
Mystery Cat a famous, funny poem by T S Eliot ( Macavity's a
Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw )
Mending Wall a
famous poem by Robert
Frost ( Something there is that doesn't love a wall )
Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray ( The Curfew tolls
the knell of parting day )
Simples a
famous poem by James Joyce ( Of cool sweet dew and
radiance mild )
The Song of Hiawatha a
great famous poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ( By
the shore of Gitchie Gumee, By the shining
Big-Sea-Water, )
Madonna of the Evening Flowers a
lovely poem by Amy Lowell ( All day long I have been
working, Now I am tired. )
When I consider how my light is spent
- a famous poem by John Milton ( When I consider how
my light is spent )
The Raven a
famous poem by Edgar Allan Poe ( Once upon a midnight
dreary, while I pondered weak and weary )
Goblin Market a
famous poem by Christina Rossetti ( Morning and
evening Maids heard the goblins cry )
Sonnet 18 by
the Great, celebrated Bard, William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
( Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art
more lovely and more temperate )
Ode To The West Wind a
famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley ( O wild West
Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being )
The Lady of Shallot a
famous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson ( On either
side the river lie long fields of barley and of rye )
- I wandered lonely as a cloud a famous poem by William Wordsworth
( I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high
o'er vales and hills )
Famous Poetry Online
Famous Poetry Online web site contains a huge selection of
famous online poems from the most celebrated authors. The vast range of different
literary styles and techniques used by the individual poets
are fascinating and many of these famous classic and modern
poetic forms are explained in our section about writing poems. We believe that poetry is above all for pleasure but appreciate that for those studying the subject of poems
and literature that the poetry terms and definitions used are vital for a greater understanding. This
famous online poetry web site endeavours to provide as much information as possible for all students of
Famous Poetry. The Online Forum has been developed to provide a
literary discussion forum which can be used as a 'Chat zone' specifically for
famous poem lovers from all corners of the world. We wanted to provide an exclusive Poems chat zone, or forum, where perhaps questions about
Famous Poems can be discussed and addressed to the benefit of our
visitors.' Famous Poetry Online ' is solely for educational purposes and any reproduction of the
famous poems contained on this web site is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research."
Common mis-spellings are peotry - poetrey - poety -
poettry - fameous potry and peotry.
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Famous Poetry Online